Create assignment categories on the Categories side-tab

Define the types of assignments you give in all of your classes by creating categories. For example, you might assign homework, quizzes, tests, term papers, and a presentation. Define a category for each one.

Note: You can create assignment categories here or on the class section's details page.

However, you can only use the Categories side-tab if you keep the category weights the same for every term. If you adjust the category weights by term and then click the Categories > Adjust weights by term side-tab, a message directs you to the class section's details page.

To define a category:

  1. Log on to the Staff view.
  2. Click the Gradebook tab.
  3. Select a class to create categories for.
  4. Click the Categories side-tab.
  5. Select Options> Add. The New Category page appears.
  6. Note: You can also import categories from another section. To import categories, click Import Categories on the Options menu.
  1. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
  2. Field Description


    Type a code for the category.

    Note: Because the code can appear in the column header on the Scores page, type a short value.


    Type a description for the category.

    Category Calculation Weight

    This field is for the weighted Categories only or weighted Categories and assignments averaging methods (and not the Total points or Category total points methods). Enter a number to weight this category in relation to your other assignment categories.

    Note: The number entered here creates a ratio between your categories. If the numbers add up to 100, then they also serve as the percentage value for each category. If they do not add up to 100, then Aspen uses the ratio between the categories to calculate the percentage value.

    The Weight and Percent columns appear in the Staff view, Gradebook > select a class > Categories. The Weight column represents the value entered at this field.

    In this example, the category weights and percent values equal 100:

    Categories side-tab displaying weights and percents that equal 100

    In this example, the category weights do not equal 100; Aspen assigns the percent values:

    Categories side-tab displaying weights and percents that do not equal 100

    Default category for assignments

    If you enable this field, Aspen will automatically assign this category to each assignment you create for this class section. You can manually edit the assignment's category, if needed.

    Assignment Defaults: In this box, you can determine the default values for any assignment you create for this category. This can save you time when creating assignments:

    Grade Scale > Name

    Click Seach icon. to select the grade scale you want to use when entering grades for assignments in this category. For example, you might enter a 1, 2, or 3 for a homework assignment. Therefore, you would create a grade scale named Homework with the grades 1, 2, and 3 and their point values. Then, you would select that grade scale at this field.

    NoteDistrict grade scales are available for you to use for all assignments. Create grade scales only if you have a personal grading scheme that is not defined by a district grade scale.

    Entry mode

    At this drop-down, select Both, Numeric Only, or Letter Only to determine the grade values you can enter for any assignments in this category.

    Total points

    Type the total (maximum) points.

    Extra credit points

    Type any extra credit points a student can earn for an assignment.

    Note: Never add extra credit points to an extra credit assignment. You can only add extra credit points to normal assignments.

    Score cannot be dropped

  3. Select this checkbox if you do not want the system to drop any lowest scores from this category.
  4. Visibility type

    Select a visibility type for this assignment category.

    • Private: Assignments do not appear in the Student or Family portals.

    • Public: Assignments and grades appear in portals.

    • Public– no grades: Assignments appear in portals but without grades.

    Also add this category to classes

    This section appears when you add a category to linked classes. It only appears when you select Options > Add. The Also add this category to classes box displays your sections for this grade term and year.

    Add category fields

    • If you have linked sections, Add Category? is enabled by default, so that Aspen will apply the new category to all the linked sections. If you do not want the category to be applied to a section, deselect the checkbox next to it.

    • If you do not have linked sections, you can click Add Category? to add the category to all of your sections, or just select the checkbox(es) next to the section(s) it will apply to.

    Note: Sections associated with a different grade level or grading period (such as a trimester instead of quarters) do not appear here.
  1. Click Save.

  2. Repeat steps 5–7 to create all the categories you use in your classes. Then, you can create assignments to add actual assignments of this type to your Gradebook.

    Note: An administrator can merge your class sections if they occur during the same class period. If your course sections are merged, a message appears with a link directing you to the "primary" class section.