Create special codes for assignment grades

Teachers can create special gradebookClosed Online version of a paper book where teachers enter and track assignments, assignment grades, and term grades. If you are searching for this term, consider a more targeted search string like "Entering Grades." codes. For example, you might create the MED (medical) code to explain why a student did not complete an assignment, and then indicate that the score does not affect the student's average. Special codes are visible in the Family and Student portals.

Note: Be careful not to create a code that is already represented in your grade scale. For example, you do not want to create a cheating code C if your grade scale contains a C grade.

You can manually enter a special code in a grading cell on your Scores page. Or you can press CTRL+L or Lookup on the Options menu to select from a list of your special codes. Special codes are not available in the Standards view on the Scores page.

Note: If you are grading an assignment created by another teacher and press CTRL+L or Lookup on the Options menu, the pick list displays that teacher's special codes, not your own.

To create a special code:

  1. Log on to the Staff view.
  2. Select Tools > Special Codes.
  3. Select Options > Add. The New Gradebook Special Code page appears.
  4. New Gradebook Special Code page

  1. Enter a code.
    Note: Special codes must be unique.
    Example: You create a special code, M, to indicate missing assignments. You also need a special code to indicate medical issues. Since M is not available, you type MED.
  1. Click the Behavior drop-down to select one of the following:
    • Exempt from calculations: Aspen will not count this assignment when calculating the student’s average.
    • Calculate as zero: Aspen will count this assignment as a zero when calculating the student’s average.
    • Calculate as full point value: Aspen will include the assignment's total points when calculating the student's average.
    • Calculate as percentage: Aspen will calculate this assignment score based on a percentage of the total possible points (excluding extra credit points).
  2. The Percent field appears if you selected Calculate as percentage at the Behavior field. Enter the percentage of the total points (0-100) to use in the calculation when a value is entered on the Scores page.

    Note: To prevent students from receiving zero points for missing assignments, create a code that is worth a percentage of the assignment's total points, and then select the Report as missing checkbox (see step 7).

    Example: A teacher creates the code M1, selects Calculate as percentage at the Behavior drop-down, and enters 50 here. They enable Report as missing. When M1 is entered on the Scores page, the student receives 50 points instead of zero, reducing the impact on their average.
  1. Select the Report as missing checkbox if you want assignments to appear in the Family and Student portals as missing. Grade reports that list missing assignments, such as progress reports, will also display the missing code. Special codes flagged as missing appear in addition to assignments with no score.
    Note: If you select the Show missing column checkbox in your user preferences, Aspen includes any assignments you enter this code for in the calculation for the Missing column that appears on the Scores page. The Missing column can also include assignments that were due before today that you did not enter a score for, if you also select the Count as missing checkbox in your user preferences.
  1. Select a Color to represent this special code. Click Color box to see the Color Chooser pop-up. Click a color to select it, and then click OK. You can make it lighter or darker by clicking the square, and then clicking the color gradations bar on the pop-up. Click Clear button to select a different color. When you are done, click OK.
    Example: You might want the CH (cheated) code to appear in red so that you can easily find it on the Scores page.
  1. Click Save.
    Note: If a grade term is locked, it could prevent you from editing or deleting a special code.