Build Pages for extracurricular programs

Aspen system administrators can mass-create Pages for use by staff, students and families who are involved in extracurricular programs.

By default, the Page administrator is the extracurricular program administrator who has the Manager field enabled on the Extracurricular Programs Details page. To have Page access, students must be a member of the extracurricular program and have the status code(s) specified in the Extracurricular Event Information preferences.

Note:  With this option, you do not create a group directly; however, the system does it for you behind the scenes.

After a Page is created, the staff member can include information specific to each program, such as blog posts and group resources.

One Page is created per extracurricular program.

The Build Extracurricular Pages option is the quickest way to mass-create Pages for your school's programs. Staff members can also create their own Pages.

To mass-create Pages for extracurricular programs:

  1. Log on to the School view.
  2. Select Extracurriculars > Extracurricular Programs.
  3. Select the extracurricular programs you want to build Pages for.
  4. Select Options > Show Selected. Make sure that only the sections you want to build Pages for are listed.
    Note: If you forget to click Show Selected, then Pages will be built for all extracurricular programs.
  1. Select Options > Build Extracurricular Pages. The following pop-up appears.
  • Build Pages pop-up with all checkboxes selected
  1. By default, all of the widgets are selected. Deselect any that you do not want to appear on your Pages.
  2. Leave the Hide Forms in Family Portal checkbox selected to prevent parents and others with access to the Family portal from seeing forums on their Pages.
  3. Leave the Disable newly created pages checkbox selected to prevent members from accessing Pages until they are complete. If you deselect this checkbox, as soon as you click Submit, parents and students will have access to these Pages.
    Note: When the Pages are complete, go to each Page's details and change the Page Status drop-down to Page enabled for all members.
  1. Click Submit.


    • If the extracurricular program already has a Page and this option is used, Aspen will not duplicate it – it will just skip it.
    • If a student leaves an extracurricular program, Aspen updates their Page access automatically.
    • The Build Extracurricular Pages option automatically assigns all Pages the same icon Pages icon. Staff members can change this in their Page's details, if desired.

Now, the staff member can add content to the widgets on the Page.