Run the Extracurricular Eligibility Status procedure

After you add students to the program, run the Extracurricular Eligibility Status procedure to ensure they meet the criteria to participate.

You can run this procedure in the District (Root Organization) or School views by default. Or, set up the SYS-EC-ELIG procedure to run as a scheduled job. As a scheduled job, the procedure runs for all extracurricular activities across the district (root organization).

Note: You must have the appropriate user role privileges to access this procedure.

To run the Extracurricular Eligibility Status procedure:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Log on to the District (Root Organization) view. Select Tools > Procedures > Extracurricular Eligibility Status > Details > Options > Run.
    • Log on to the School view. Select Extracurriculars > Extracurricular Programs > Options > Extracurricular Eligibility Status
    • Log on to the School view. Select Extracurriculars > Extracurricular Programs > select the program > Details > Options > Extracurricular Eligibility Status.
    • Log on to the School view. Select Extracurriculars > Extracurricular Programs > select the program > Students > Options > Extracurricular Eligibility Status.
  • When you run the procedure from the District (Root Organization) view or from the School view, Extracurriculars > Extracurricular Programs, the Extracurricular Eligibility Status pop-up appears. The fields that appear on the pop-up depend on where you run the procedure.
  1. Use the table below to enter information in the fields:
  2. Field



    In the District (Root Organization) view, click the drop-down and select the school you want to run the procedure for. This field is read-only in the School view.

    Programs to include, if none are selected default is all programs

    All is the default, and runs the procedure for all the extracurricular programs. Or, choose Current selection to run the procedure for a subset of extracurricular programs. This field does not appear in the District (Root Organization) view.

    Program Type

    Click Search icon. to see the Reference Code - Common pick list. Select the type of extracurricular program you want to run the procedure for.

    Program Sub Type

    Click Search icon. to see the Reference Code - Common pick list. Select the sub-type of extracurricular program you want to run the procedure for.
  1. Click Run.
  2. The procedure updates the student's eligibility status. The pop-up lists students' names and whether they are eligible or ineligible for the program.