Re-enroll a student who left an extracurricular program

If a student returns to a program after taking a break, you can re-enroll him.

Note: You must have the appropriate user role privileges to do this.

To re-enroll a student in an extracurricular program:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Log on to the School view. Select Extracurriculars > Extracurricular Programs. Select the extracurricular program. Under Extracurricular Programs, click Students.
    • Log on to the Staff view. Select My Info > Extracurricular Activities. Select the extracurricular program. Under Extracurricular Activities, click Students.
  1. Click to select the student.
  2. Select Options > Re-enroll student.
  3. The pop-up asks if you are sure you want to re-enroll the student. At Comment, enter the reason for the student's return, and then click OK.
  4. Under Participation Activities, the student's status is Added as of today's date, with the Comment that you entered.
  5. Click Save.

The student has a pending status. When you run the Extracurricular Eligibility Status procedure, Aspen determines whether the student is eligible or ineligible and updates their status.